Case Study

25% Sales Surge & Improved Client Relations


Wetelo, a web development company, wanted to expand into the US market. After 3-month consulting, the company achieved this goal by enhancing long-term customer relationships and implementing effective lead-generation processes. Wetelo redefined business objectives for future growth, which resulted in a 25% sales increase and 15% revenue growth.

Web Development
Client Geography:
USA, Europe, Singapore, Australia
Headcount before:
Consulting Period:
August-October 2023
Number of Consultants involved:
Business areas enhanced:
Strategy Sales Marketing


Wetelo faced the key challenge of expanding into the US market while improving long-term customer relationships and exploring new client acquisition strategies to enhance profitability. The company aimed to achieve the following objectives:

Enhance long-term customer relationships
Explore new client acquisition strategies
Improve lead generation processes
Establish effective sales closing procedures
Build a strong marketing team

Yurii Firs, the CEO of Wetelo, sought advice on redesigning the sales and marketing strategies to adapt to the new market conditions.

Project roadmap

Based on the company’s challenges and requests, we have chosen Consulting 360° Service spanning processes audit and optimization in Strategy, Sales, and Marketing as the best solution. Additionally, the Wetelo Team participated in the Sales Processes, Project Management, and the Art of Negotiations training sessions. Here is a complete list of the activities the company obtained during the three months to work out the challenges, inefficiencies, and skill gaps.

August - October 2023

  • Strategy consulting

August - September 2023

  • Sales Processes training

September - October 2023

  • Marketing consulting
  • Project Management training
  • The Art of Negotiations training

Success in numbers

*After the 3-month consulting compared to the indicators before the start


Monthly Revenue


Sales % per Developer


Sales % per Employee


Lead Generation


Sales growth of 25% through Sales process improvement
The company has significantly enhanced Sales processes, improving scripts and сlosing procedures.

15% revenue growth thanks to relevant client acquisition
Wetelo's Sales team improved client validation with relevant ICP and appropriate client acquisition channels.

Increase in the number of qualified leads by 25%
Wetelo identified the top-performing client acquisition channels with a steady outbound and inbound lead flow.

Setting realistic goals and strategic priorities for 1-3 years
Strategic planning revamped business objectives, establishing key strategic directions and metrics.

Future plans

Wetelo plans to continue working with the following directions:

Reviewing strategic planning and set new business objectives at the end of the year

Monitoring implementation and efficiency of Marketing initiatives

Upskilling Sales representatives to keep improving client retention and acquire more relevant clients 

“The consulting provided a clear roadmap for achieving our business objectives, seamlessly combining theory and practice. The synergy achieved between Sales and Marketing is noteworthy. The project exceeded our expectations. With a well-defined plan in place, our team is now focused on implementation, anticipating even more astonishing results for every team member and the company as a whole.”

Yurii Firs

CEO at Wetelo